Dear Friends,

the pandemic linked to COVID-19 does not allow the organization of the UPDATE as per tradition. On the other hand, considering the differences in the time zone, it is not practical a telematic transmission, because the Overseas Speakers would connect at times incompatible with ours. The Scientific Secretariat has therefore moved the date of the 5th UPDATE to 3 and 4 September 2021. You will then receive a properly re-modulated Program.

Finally, if COVID-19 prevents us from meeting, it absolutely cannot block the nomination of the next Winner of the Verna Wright Prize 2020 Edition who will be announced on the UPDATE website at 5.30pm on September 10th. The handover ceremony will take place as part of the UPDATE in 2021.

I hope you all are well and greet you with great affection

Raffaele Scarpa

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We inform you that the next conference will be in 2024,

for the delivery in person of the Verna Wright Prize 2020/2023.

More details will be available soon.